Online Yoga Platform Launches to Make Yoga Accessible To Everyone

Online Yoga Platform Launches to Make Yoga Accessible To Everyone

A brand new video-based online yoga hub has just launched to help people from all walks of life find their inner zen – all while improving overall wellbeing and reaching personal goals.

Kalimukti, whose ethos is ‘Empowering you to find freedom through yoga’, was launched by an expert yoga teacher and offers high quality yoga classes via the internet. Providing anyone, access to a yoga class at the touch of a button wherever they are in the world through video. The platform’s main goal is to deliver a holistic approach to health with a range of specialist classes taught by qualified tutors.

A key selling point is that classes have been designed so that even if you’ve never done yoga before, due to the simple easy to follow instructions, you can join in and experience its benefits, without the need for an instructor to be present. Kalimukti have broken down the perceived barriers to entry which is apparent throughout the site.

Calli De La Haye, co-founder and yoga teacher at Kalimukti, said “Improved flexibility, enhanced circulation and increased muscle strength are all profound benefits of yoga and what’s more, anyone can do it and you don’t need expensive equipment.”

Courses are available that focus on specific health issues such as sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, hip pain, back pain and many others. Classes range in tempo from energetic, chilled or balanced, so users can choose their preference.

Kalimukti also offers tailored injury recovery as well as pre and post-natal courses. Calli filmed classes during her own pregnancy, from early pregnancy right through to the final weeks of her 3rd trimester, and went on to film a post-natal course during her own recovery after the birth of her daughter.

In order to create a more wholesome experience, the teachers don’t stop when the video does. The site is all about community and helping one another, so teachers are on hand to answer any queries and users can add friends to their ‘tribe’ and share their progress and stats.

“The platform really is all about creating a family through their love of yoga,” added Calli. “Unlike a generic class environment, we allow students to choose the class which will best suit their needs and enable them to change their lives.”

By focusing on personal goals, students have the opportunity to develop a personal profile allowing them to track their progress and share their results with friends, with points and special achievements awarded to encourage you back on the mat.

The website also acts as a source of valuable yoga content in the form of articles, tips, advice, pose details and general education about yoga.

A free 14-day trial is available for new users, with unlimited access at £8.99 per month from thereon in.

To find out more about the Kalimukti platform and how it can help with a number of health issues, visit the website: