New Book #PassportReady: The Ultimate Guide To Solo Female Travel is Out Now

New Book #PassportReady: The Ultimate Guide To Solo Female Travel is Out Now

Female solo travellers set to revive travel industry as searches for solo travel and remote destinations spike

Could solo female travellers help boost the tourism industry’s recovery after covid? Anne Malambo, the author of brand new book #PassportReady: The Ultimate Guide To Solo Female Travel thinks so. Having visited eight countries solo in 4 years, while working fulltime job, she’s hunkered down and written a book during lockdown to help other women travel the world safely and with confidence.

As the world slowly begins to open back up again in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, solo travel could well be the natural successor to social distancing, if Google search volumes are anything to go by. In the last 90 days alone, searches for ‘solo travel tips’ have increased by 160% while interest in remote destinations such as Peru and the Galapagos has also soared. With 84% of solo travellers known to be women, this sector of the economy is a hugely untapped resource which could boom as more and more people look for ways to get back to normal without getting up close and personal with others.

Malambo says, “The number one thing that puts many women off solo travel is the issue of safety, but the reality is that safety is a concern for women whether we’re at home or abroad. It’s well documented that there was a 50% leap in calls to domestic violence charities like Women’s Aid during lockdown, so telling women they’re somehow in more danger when they’re out in the world is completely false. We need to address violence against women at a grass-roots level, instead of scaring women off from experiencing travel. One of the key reasons for writing #PassportReady was to help women feel safe when travelling and reassure them that they can get on a flight and take a trip solo and be safe and enjoy it while doing so.”

A London-based digital marketing consultant, Malambo returned from a month’s backpacking trip around Thailand and Cambodia in February, just weeks before coronavirus turned the world upside down. In addition to sharing her own experiences travelling around the world, she has also drafted in 26 women who have hit the road solo to share their stories and expertise.

These include a foreword by superstar travel vlogger, Eva Zu Beck, who has amassed an audience of over 600,000 subscribers on YouTube and 500,000 Instagram followers in just over two years. She has done everything from horse trekking alone in the wilds of Mongolia and Hiking through the unforgiving, though magnificent mountains of Pakistan, pushing the boundaries of where women are seen to travel solo.  Other contributors include Nastasia Yakoub, founder of the popular Dame Traveler Instagram handle and Anna-Liisa Tampuu, founder of safe travel site, SheTravel.

#PassportReady: The Ultimate Guide To Solo Female Travel is available in both print and ebook on Amazon and for download on Apple books, Kobo and Barnes And Nobel.