Monitoring holds the key for safe air travel says Thermavis

Monitoring holds the key for safe air travel says Thermavis

Thermal image monitoring could be the future of air travel as passengers and airlines look for safe ways to exit lockdown where social distancing isn’t possible, according to one camera manufacturer. Thermavis says non-invasive, thermal imaging cameras could help the travel industry to take the first steps to recovery by providing instant indicators of elevated temperatures, functioning as an additional control where people can’t be two metres apart.

The ability to mass screen in a non-invasive manner automatically creates safer terminals and could see planes taking to the skies once again.

As a temperature of over 37 degrees can be a symptom of coronavirus, detecting elevated readings using a thermal imaging camera means airports and airlines can keep staff and passengers safe from infection, regardless of whether the virus is being carried asymptomatically.

The Thermavis range of hand-held thermal imaging devices includes single and multi-person scanning options. They are ideal for use at airport terminals during check-in, during the boarding process and even in the air. This frontline defence against the continuing threat of coronavirus utilises

innovative technology with AI software which is specifically designed to ensure public entry points can provide a secure and safe environment for passengers and staff.

Once placed at the entrance of an airport terminal or check-in area, the thermal imaging camera effectively and accurately screens for persons with an elevated body temperature, which could indicate a fever or the presence of a contagious disease such as COVID-19, even in those who appear outwardly healthy.

If an elevated temperature is identified, the person can be prevented from either entering the airport or continuing on their onwards journey in order to safeguard others, or subjected to further testing prior to being permitted to travel. Where passengers show signs of an elevated body temperature using thermal imaging, airline staff can request that the passenger self-isolates and gets tested as soon as possible.

Sonny Sehgal, CEO of Thermavis said, “ Our range of cameras has been carefully created to suit the travel sector with portable, quick, accurate and non-invasive way to keep people safe while also allowing travel to get underway.”

Stephen MacKinnon, Professor of Haematology, University College London (UCL) says the technology works, stating, “Thermal imaging can pick up individuals who have a fever and that can identify them as potential spreaders of the disease.”

Thermavis thermal imaging cameras come in a range of models including a handheld device perfect for use by airline stewards during travel. The handheld camera is battery operated, can be mounted on a tripod if needed. Individual screening thermal imaging cameras are suited to airport check-in desks as they can scan one person at a time and can be fixed to the wall or placed on a tripod. The Thermavis multi-person scanners accurately measure the body temperature of multiple people simultaneously, making them ideal for airport terminals of any size.

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