Wellbeing Expert Hosts Online Event to Help Workers Stay Productive & Healthy

Wellbeing Expert Hosts Online Event to Help Workers Stay Productive & Healthy

One of the country’s top workplace wellbeing experts is offering additional support to managers who have been faced with the challenges of leading remote teams during the government mandated lockdown. Career coach and confidence leader, Kate Bishop has scheduled a new online webinar to help both businesses and employees understand the most effective ways to remain productive and healthy when working from home during the crisis.

The wellbeing webinar is designed to focus on one of the most important yet often overlooked issues created by the pandemic: a need to work closely with employees during the rapid changes that have taken place. To ensure that they have the confidence, capabilities, and ultimately the support they need to be happy, healthy, and productive in the home office. At a time when many organisations are considering their recovery strategies, Bishop believes that a healthy workforce is the foundation of success.

The work from home webinar is intended to provide a comprehensive look at the current business landscape, the unique challenges of working from home, and effective solutions to common problems faced at this time.

Among the topics that will be discussed are ways of creating productive yet balanced routines, techniques to generate healthy and motivating work from home environments. Also scheduled for discussion is the need to manage workloads through strategic structuring and prioritisation, ways to remain focused at home, and how to overcome feelings of stress and anxiety.

“Navigating the next few months will bring a host of changes and challenges which will require both businesses and employees to adapt and evolve,” says webinar host Kate Bishop, a fully certified and qualified career and confidence strategist. “May brings us Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year’s theme being kindness, I think this is the perfect time to take a closer look at adaptation and evolution in terms of ourselves, and really make an effort to understand how being kind to ourselves at this time can help us succeed.”

The online event comes at a time when government guidance recommends that most employees should work from home, unless designated as ‘key workers’ or in situations where it is impossible to do so. However, the Office for National Statistics reports that less than 30% of UK employees had experience of working from home prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, suggesting that this is new territory for the majority of the British workforce.

This new territory is already proving to be tricky for employees to effectively navigate. Research shows that 38% of Brits are working longer hours at home than they would in the workplace, sparking concerns that the workforce could soon be at the point of burnout. The effects of the changes to the working landscape are beginning to be seen, with almost one third of workers saying that they feel more stressed working from home than from the office.

While it is hoped that the effects of the pandemic will only be temporary, the change in business operations and management is expected to be long term. New laws to give employees the legal right to work from home have been proposed, and the UK Government is understood to be considering a cyclical return to work strategy which would see workers operating from home for extended periods. Some companies, such as Twitter, have already announced plans to allow employees to continue to work from home following lifting of restrictions, suggesting that remote working could be a part of the ‘new normal’. Bishop believes that it is time to focus on creating strong work from home strategies that support employees now, and in the future.

Kate Bishop’s work from home wellbeing webinar will be held on Thursday 21st May at 12pm. Business leaders, team managers, and employees are welcome, with interested participants invited to reserve their space online here: https://coachkatebishop.wixsite.com/wfhwebinar

To learn more about Kate Bishop, visit www.kate-bishop.co.uk