‘Software Engineers Do What Now?’ Front End Tech Lead Answers Biggest Questions

‘Software Engineers Do What Now?’ Front End Tech Lead Answers Biggest Questions

At a time when many organisations are reporting challenges in recruiting skilled IT professionals, one front end tech lead is questioning whether a lack of basic knowledge of the industry as a whole is holding people back. Former Canterbury Christ Church University student Shaun Michael Stone is aiming to make the software industry more accessible to those considering a career in computing by answering many of the biggest questions in his new book.

‘Software Engineers Do What Now?’ covers many of the core aspects of the role, without delving too deeply into complex topics and areas of discussion. Instead, the publication is intended to provide readers with an all-round, comprehensive, and high-level explanation of many different areas of software engineering, with the aim of simplifying the job, attracting more skilled people to the industry, and narrowing the rapidly-growing skills gap.

The new book includes chapters dedicated to confusing terminology, the types of job roles available within computing, career progression pathways, and provides insight into some of the most popular programming languages, libraries, tools, and frameworks used within the industry today. Stone also offers advice for those trying to break into the field, outlining the standard recruitment process that’s typically used when hiring for technical positions.

The author says, “I’ve heard so many people say they want a career change, and when I’ve suggested software engineering they’ve said ‘oh, I wouldn’t even know where to begin’… even my own brother doesn’t understand what I do! There are many reasons for the IT skills gap, but we can’t overlook the idea that software engineering has really been a ‘you either know it or you don’t’ kind of industry, and I want to change all that.

“I believe that in making it easier to explore the world of software engineering from an ‘outsider’ perspective, we can get more people excited about computing, and help them take the first steps towards a career in this field.”

Stone’s publication covers four distinct and important aspects of the job, and answers some of the biggest questions that people have about the industry. These questions include ‘what does a typical day as a software engineer look like?’, ‘what does all this terminology mean?’, ‘what languages do you use?’, and ‘what are some of the best web-related libraries that can help me out?’

Ideal for recent IT university graduates looking to determine which area of software engineering would be best suited to their particular interests, and for those considering a career change, ‘Software Engineers Do What Now?’ is also intended for new tech recruiters with a desire to fully understand the needs of their clients and approach hiring from an informed tech perspective.

‘Software Engineers Do What Now?’ by Shaun Michael Stone is available now in both print and digital formats through the following channels:


Print: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1707231079/

Kindle: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08413XHS8

Leanpub: leanpub.com/softwareengineersdowhatnow

Google Play: books.google.co.uk/books/about?id=liDwA ABAJ