Hub-4 Limited Rolls Out New DSE Compliance Guarantee as HSE Figures Show 6.6 Million Work Days Lost Each Year to Musculoskeletal Disorders

Hub-4 Limited Rolls Out New DSE Compliance Guarantee as HSE Figures Show 6.6 Million Work Days Lost Each Year to Musculoskeletal Disorders

Hub-4 Limited, a leading publisher of online health and safety courses and a DSE specialist for almost thirty years, has added a brand new fully outsourced compliance service to its offerings. The new service uses Hub-4’s proprietary online DSE system, DSEasy to fully deliver DSE compliance on behalf of its clients.

The Display Screen Equipment Regulations are mandatory legislation which any business with five or more computer users are required to adhere to. The DSE regulations are multiple pages long in which they set out seven core requirements for employers with the HSE stating that all employers have a duty to protect workers from the health risks of working with display screen equipment (DSE), including PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. The latest HSE figures show that around 35% of the 1.4 million new cases of workplace-related ill health in 2017-18 relate to musculoskeletal disorders with around 469,000 suffering from new or existing complaints in total, something that can be caused by non-compliance with DSE regulations.

DSE regulations state that all employees should receive workstation best practice training. Workstation assessments must be carried out and free eyesight tests should be provided when requested. Employers are also expected to communicate DSE regulation activity to DSE users and correct problems as soon as they become known.

Hub-4’s new DSE compliance service for businesses guarantees to deliver all seven points of compliance with training provided to all screen users and DSE assessments undertaken. Driven by the unique DSEasy online system, employees will also be advised if they’re falling short of the regulation’s requirements, users will be urged to take regular breaks, kept up to date with what their employer is doing to stay DSE compliant and any required remedial work undertaken as soon as possible.

Gerald Whitehouse, Occupational Hygienist and Director of Hub-4 says, “Having helped to redraft the DSE Regulations in 2003/4, I am both proud and pleased to announce the extension of our DSE compliance services. We have taken on experienced extra staff to manage the demand for our face-to-face DSE assessments and DSE Assessor Training Courses. These are now offered with or without our online DSE training and self-assessment programme DSEasy.  Our job is to enable our clients to continue running their business whilst we look after the health of their staff and guarantee compliance with the DSE regulations.

“Many employers fall into the trap of thinking that just carrying out an assessment is enough as it’s better than nothing but the downside of that is that not all boxes are ticked and therefore non compliance is still very much a reality. The penalties for this could be as severe as being sued for hundreds of thousands of pounds by an employee suffering from musculoskeletal disorders, brought about because of lack of compliance with the Regs.”

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