NHS at 70: ‘NHS needs to embrace technology if it’s to deliver exceptional care in the future’

NHS at 70: ‘NHS needs to embrace technology if it’s to deliver exceptional care in the future’

As the NHS turns 70, those in decision making roles need to consider how the service will use and deploy technology to improve how care is given, according to Novacare, an organisation that’s working to revolutionise how elderly care providers take advantage of the latest developments.

Stephen Wilson, Director of Novacare, said, “The NHS celebrating seven decades of delivering excellent care should be applauded, it’s a fantastic achievement that we should be proud of. However, the NHS has traditionally been slow in its uptake of using the latest technology advancements to improve the level of care that’s given. As the pace of technological development continues to speed up, it’s becoming increasingly important for the NHS to look at how it can respond in an agile, rapid, and effective way if its to deliver exceptional care in the future. Without a new approach to technology, the NHS risks falling behind.”

Wilson has a unique insight into the UK’s healthcare system, having originally trained as a nurse and spending 30 years within health and social care in both the NHS and the private sector. Having witnessed how technology can allow health professionals to better care for patients and streamline routine tasks, Wilson has now dedicated his expertise to creating care focused software that delivers essential support to save time and money without affecting levels the levels of care that are delivered.

Wilson continued, “The NHS and other care organisations are often fearful of investing in technology simply because it’s unknown. It’s a mindset that needs to change. Technology can enhance the quality of life and experience of receiving care by freeing carers’ time up, allowing them to focus on each individual and their needs.

“The costs and funding shortfalls in the NHS is often in the headlines but it’s another area that technology can help with. While the initial investment to bring in both hardware and software can seem high, dedicated healthcare technology that’s been carefully selected can deliver significant returns in a short space of time. From using artificial intelligence to categorise the thousands of patient notes that a busy hospital makes on a daily basis to big data analysis that suggests training based on care home residents’ needs, technology will play a role in really pushing forward the level of care in the NHS to outstanding levels as it celebrates many more decades of operating successfully.”

Novacare launched its first product aimed at care organisations earlier this year, streamlining the recruitment process for providers in a challenging hiring environment. As a firm that’s focused on research and development, Novacare has an exciting pipeline of projects, including effective HR software and artifice intelligence, that are all designed with providing revolutionary technology to the care sector in mind.

To find out more visit nova-care.uk/.