Innovative Safety Gadget to Cut Home Fires Launches Crowdfunding Campaign as Risks Rise

Innovative Safety Gadget to Cut Home Fires Launches Crowdfunding Campaign as Risks Rise

Award winning Irish based start-up Firemole has launched its crowdfunding campaign to support the next manufacturing cycle of its innovative fire safety gadget. Aiming to prevent electrical fires in homes, Firemole has the power to save lives and perfectly complements traditional smoke alarms to provide an extra layer of protection. The appeal for support of the revolutionary device comes as the average number of electrical goods in homes across the country is on the rise, leading to a greater fire risk.

Research1 published last year noted that the proportion of fire claims caused by electrical faults increased by 35% within 12 months, accounting for over a quarter of all claims. Around 80 in every 100,000 households is likely to suffer from a fire each year and gadgets are increasingly to blame for them. While common products associated with electrical faults, such as tumble dryers, are still linked to fires, the number related to tech, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, is on the rise. The production of Firemole aims to make electrical fires preventable through alerting homeowners to gadgets that are overheating.

The forward thinking Firemole gadget acts as a prevention tool rather than a detection device. Using his experience as an electrician and recognising that many gadget related fires are linked to overheating, the entrepreneur behind the patent-pending device created a seamless solution. Effortlessly fitting onto any flat surface of a device, Firemole instantly alerts users when temperatures reach 54C (129F), allowing them to swiftly turn the device off, preventing a potential fire from breaking out.

Sean O’Tuama, Founder of Firemole, said, “As an electrician, I was called to a lot of fires caused by electrical devices but it was only after an incident in my own home that I began to look for a small temperature alarm. Unable to find anything that matched my safety concerns, I set about developing Firemole. Over the last year we’ve worked hard to take Firemole from a concept into a product that’s market ready and can make a real difference to fire safety measures.”

Determined to prove a demand for the creative, first of its kind device, the team behind Firemole has launched a crowdfunding campaign.

Seeking to raise €10,000 through the Indiegogo platform, backers of the project can be among the first to get their hands on a Firemole and up the safety of their own home or business. The brand already has the first batch of 3,000 Firemole gadgets ready to ship immediately with additional orders set to be fulfilled in November.

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